
Events & Travels

Brian and YS-Alec Steele will be demonstrating here Aug.10-11

Young Smiths update....
Daniel Riffe, Alec Steele and Kainon Baumer wil be the open ceremony demonstrators from 6-9 in tent 3, at the ABANA Conference in Rapid City, South Dakota July 18th. Also from 1-4 on friday.
This will be a first for these young's smiths as well as for an ABANA conference and it will be an outstanding showcase that young and old will enjoy.
The future of blacksmithing is in our youth and we thank ABANA and sponsors for providing a platform for them!

The Brian Brazeal Hammer Making Clinic scheduled for July 25 - 27 in Billings, Montana has been approved for 20 American Association of Professional Farriers (AAPF) Continuing Education Credits. For more information visit their website -

Texarkana June 9 & 10
Shared fom Michelle A Dudley Barkman on fb
Can not wait to see your Demostration in Texarkana >) here is the information for others in the area to get to see your work..
Brian Brazeal.
Brian will be here on Friday June 8 to set up for Saturday and Sunday June 9 and
10. He will set up at - LeGrand Welding Shop - located at 612 S. Lelia Ave. -
Texarkana, Texas.
If you are a member of the Four States Iron Munchers, you will be able to attend
free. For everyone else you have options: 1. You can join the club for $20 a
year and get in for the two days
2. Pay $15 for one day 3. Pay $25 for both days - clear enough?
It will start at 8:00 Saturday and Sunday. Lunch will be on your own. We will
break for lunch at 11:30 and return at 1:00 ... Members can tell people that do
not know the area where some places to eat are.
We were asked if you would be able to tail gate??? Yes you can. We will have an
area you will be able to set up. If you want to sell, the charge will be $5.00
for all(members or not) per truck.
As you may have noticed, I did not put an end time. It will be 5:00, but he has
let us know that he will stay as long as people are interested. I think this
should cover most everything. If you do have a question, you can call me at



Lyle took some pictures while they were working with the New England Blacksmiths and in South Carolina at Jody Durham's shop.

Spring Meet in New Hampshire download

Brian and Lyle forged this hammer yesterday 5/2/12 for Brian's  birthday!

Thomas Dean came for a 2 day class. His wife, Susan came along too and she and I did some bargin hunting while the boys forged.  It is alway nice to meet the folks you talk with online. Thomas and Susan are a lovely couple and Brian and I really enjoyed their time here.

Laurie and Kainon who are serious about forging came from Texas for a class with the help of Balcones forge
They had been watching Brian's videos and trying the techniques and found that they worked and were improving but they needed rounding hammers and wanted to learn how to make and use them as well as other tools and techniques.
They did very well and we once again made some great friends through forging!

Last weekend with Brian Parks in Georgia

More photos of Dave's class. Dave forges quite a bit and had little problem learning new techniques or using his new rounding hammer.
Thank you Lyle Wynn for the excellent photos!

We are glad to have Dave Custer here,

March 10,2012
I took Dan to the airport and we were all sorry to see him go. Dan is a very talented and personable man and fit in like one of the family. Brian, Lyle and Dan put in some really long hours all 5 days with Dan soaking up information like a sponge. Here are more pictures....

March 5, 2012

Dan Manders is here for a 5 day class. Lyle came is taking some great pics that I will be posting.

Friday, February 24, 2012
We have had the pleasure of having Shawn McIntyre an ABS Mastersmith, from Australia here for a few days.
Shawn, who has had an interest in blacksmithing since childhood was looking to learn more about efficient forging techniques that apply to this beautiful craft.
Brian and Lyle forged and talked forging for 4 days straight with Shawn. We hate to see him go but look forward to seeing him again.
Here are some pics from Lyle...
Friday, February 17, 2012
Mark got here this morning and will be here tomorrow too....He is serious about forging.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Dave and Elise from San Antonio, Texas came for an anniversary class this past weekend. Married 6 years, these two are fun, focused and adventurous. They forged all day with the mad professor (Brian) and ate my kitchen cooking with a smile. Bubbles, (Lyle Wynn) was around and it was a great 3 days for all.
We have been offering private instruction at our home in Brian's shop, in between events for a short while now and I would have to say it is always enjoyable for both Brian and I. We have made so many good friends while forging, and sharing meals.
Thank you Dave and Elise and we look forward to next year!

Next student is the 28th but we have some iron in the fire until then... I just shipped some of Brian's work to Virginia Nuckolls at the National Ornamental Metal Museum in Memphis TN. I am still working on a calendar and more videos as well as creating a page of things we have on hand for sale.

Thanks for stopping by...Karen and Brian

Happy New Year

It's 2012 and the new year brought our friends Dale and Sybil Martin for a visit during their annual journey to see family and friends. We are always glad to see them, they are good friends.
Brian talked forging with Dale. Dale fixed our windshield wipers and hung a clothesline for me. Sybil and I have easy chats and exchange recipes. She is kind of a garden guru too.
They are planning on coming to the ABANA conference so we will see them again soon.

Dave and Elise Guerrero will be here the 12th for a class. We met them last year when Brian did a class and demo for Balcones Forge group. It should be a fun and productive weekend.

Lastly, I will be working on my google calendar and will try to link it up with this blog for those who want to now about Brian's schedule.

What happens next?

This weekend we head to Sugarland Texas to work with Daniel Riffe, and his dad, Chris. We met them when Daniel took a class Brian and Lyle Wynn taught for the last LAMA conference, .
They later came to Brian's shop for private instruction and attended the MFC conference, with us.
We are looking forward to working with them again, while Daniel is the blacksmith in the family and has been doing quite well, Chris tries to keep up and be as helpful as possible to his son's ambitions.
Daniel is working on building a forged structure to secure his shop and Brian will be helping him with different joinery techniques.
While there Brian will also do a demo for HABA,

Forging inTexas

We returned home from Sugar Land Texas tonight where Brian worked with Daniel and Chris Riffe all week on joinery techniques. Daniel is preparing to build a forged enclosure for his shop using different joinery techniques. Brian did a demo for HABA, (Houston Area Blacksmith Association) yesterday, here is a link to a site they posted.

I want to say thanks to the Family Riffe who welcomed Brian and I, and our traveling dog Dagney, into their home and really their lives, for a whole week. Aside from the forging, we had wonderful meals, fun evening conversations and enjoyed a progressive Christmas party with the the whole neighborhood where we scored some homemade deer sausage at the Dirty Santa gift exchange. Loved it!
Nancy Riffe is a jewel of a wife, mother and friend and in as much as the men may not always notice, I am sure they they appreciate her as much as I (and Dagney) did.


  1. Brian, Karen, and Dagney.....It was wonderful having you folks stay with us and being able to take in so much knowledge from Brian. You guys are the so easy to accomadate, and learning in our home invironment and in Daniel's forge was a significant advantage for us. We are still working on the gates and grill work, but will take the weekend off to build a hammer or two and a hardy cut-off for Dave Koenig at Tudor Forge in exchange for a forge table he has. Daniel and his original mentor were forging a George ranch all afternoon and were making one of your flower designs into a belt buckle from one inch square stock. They built the punches for the work and were using the sledge and a striker to speed up the process. Daniel stays pretty motivated passing along all of the techniques you have taught him. And he is making good money becuase of your instruction to boot! You guys are the best. Cheers, Chris and Daniel Riffe

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