
About Brian Brazeal

Hello and welcome to our blog!

We will  be posting about forging, forging events, classes and demos, students and new videos.
If you would like information about private instruction in Brian's shop or demos and classes for your forge group in your venue, please feel free to contact us at

Let's bring blacksmithing back to the world!


  1. Brian could you go through an explanation of how you punch round stock and how you would go about putting together pieces for a coat stand or candle stand using round stock and riveting. Some pictures would help.

    Thanks Jim R.

  2. Jim,
    Brian many has pictures on line on punchng round stock for hammers. here is the link to our online photos-

    As far as joinery and riveting, this is not a simple answer and Brian is wondering about the use of round stock for this application.
    If you email us at I will send you Brian's phone number so you can speak to him directly and he can answer your questions better.
    I will also put a hole punching video on his list of things to do. :)Karen

  3. I'd like to salute this blog and everything Mr Brazeal(and family) is doing for the public.
    Maybe there are many great blacksmiths out there, some probably better, the fact is Mr Brazeal is among the very few that offer his knowledge and experience to others and most of it "for free".
    Not all can acces seminars and courses, many live in opposite parts of the world, not all afford or have access to books and other educational materials and for this reason this online share of knowledge from Mr.Brazeal is priceless.

    I have learnt a lot of things from these videos and even simple picture galleries, sometimes more than from several books i've read, and for this i felt need to thank you and nindly ask you to continue what you have started (this internet related project)...Videos are priceless, pictures are helpfull and articles might be just as usefull.

    Thanks again and keep up the great work, hopefully you will benefit from it too as much as you fully deserve.
    Regards, Liviu from ...Romania ;)

    1. Thank you for the kind post. Glad you are able to learn from the videos and pictures, that is the goal. Brian has been sharing for many years and hopefully in the future we will have some books and videos with much more detail and complete explanation on each technique.
      We also hope to do a working tour of Europe someday and it would be great to forge with you.
      Thank you again and best always, The Brazeals

  4. Brian, I think I figured out how to post here. I appreciate all the videos and advice on your blog. I want to make some spikes to secure my anvil to the ground. What is the best way to go about isolating the material for the spike head?
    Thanks, Perry

  5. such artistry! Thank you! I love it when true artisan skills are preserved and documented and handed down to the future. A spleandid job .. all of you

  6. great vids,what weight is the farriers hammer?

  7. Brian, do you sell your hammers? If so how much and how do I acquire one?

  8. The hand forged with a striker, rounding hammer would be 250. (up to 3 1/2 lbs.), add for shipping and ins.
    You can call Brian 559 679-4106 and talk about what you would want.
    Payment can be made through our pay pal account- or you can send a check, written to Karen Malone, 537 Trickham Bridge Road, Brandon MS 39042.
    In fairness I should tell you that a private class with Brian is 250./day 9every 5th day is free) including room and board and supplies. Students strike for their own hot cut and hammer while learning the techniques the first day.
    Feel free to give me a call for more info- 559 303-8502, or email us at

    Karen Malone (aka Brazeal)

  9. hello Brian
    I have just recently discoverd the joy of blacksmithing and your instructing videos have really given me a push forward.
    I am so impressed by the effishent use of the hammer and anvil and wonder if you have any basic tips how to improve.
    Thank you for sharing your skills with us.
    Sven Sweden

  10. Hello Brian, I was wondering if you ever made a D eye drift, I am getting into smithing and cant find one anywhere, could you perhaps make a video or maybe make one for me?

  11. I wonder if you plan to add more videos to your youtube channel. They are great learning tools and I would love to see more. Looks like it has been several years, so I was just curious.


  12. Hi Brian, We teach blacksmithing to 14/15 year old boys and girls at a high school in Sydney Australia. Thanks for your great videos - they keep us one step ahead of the students. We are working on seahorses at the moment with great success.
    Anthony and Stephen

    1. Hello, We have just about abandoned this blog I'm afraid. Brian's son used to take care of it for us but he no longer can. I'm glad I saw this though because Brian may be coming to Australia next year. He tries to keep up on his emails each week if you would like to talk to him about it. Best always, Karen :)

  13. Can you tell me when and where the next "Tools to make tools" and Hammer making course will be after July/August.

  14. Not to sound mean... but how old are you and how did you get to "this"? I just found out about you and your how? you are an internationally know person/blacksmith but you look like you are 20. I've been watching your channel on YouTube and wow!!! like how?

  15. Brian, It's good to see others using techniques similar to my own. I have an improvement on your Habermann, in case you're interested.

  16. Brian,
    I have one of your top hot cutters. Have had it for 15 years and can't work without it!Daily usage! Can I get another one from you?
    Ken Maxfield
